Dead: Wraith (Crypt)
Species: N/A. Type: Crypt Wraith. Class: Dead. Align: UnHoly. Gender: N/A.
Level: 21 +1-D10. Damage-Points: 3-D20 x level.
Number encountered: 1.
Experience-Points: 100 x level.
Awareness: Hearing: 40, Sense of Smell: 0, Sixth Sense: 20, Taste: 0, Touch: 28, Vision: 50,
Charisma -: Appearance: See: "Description". Speech: 30, Constitution: 60, Coordination: 50, Dexterity: 50, Intelligence: 30, Mental-Strength: 80, Strength: 40, Wisdom: 30.
Flying: Can't. Grounded: 15. Swimming: 5.
Luck: 1-D6 per level.
Oxygen-Points: Does not need oxygen to exist.
Blood-Points: Does not need oxygen to exist.
Grasp ------------- : 2
Drain Damage -- : 1-D6 (+ 1-D6 per 2 levels advanced) to the flesh (this effects its prey, even if armor is touched -- armor does not hinder damage).
Range ------------- : 1 space (5').
Attack type ------ : Touch.
Special ------------ : None.
Defense: 50. Offense: 50.
Treasure: %Roll needed to have money and treasure:
02+ to have 3-D4 item checks.
Begin checking on the Rare chart.
Annihilation Strike?: Yes. Sudden Death Strike?: Yes.
Description - : The Crypt Wraith is a physical aspect of what was once a living person, dark and terrible. this Dead casts fear befor it, causing the weak minded to falter and flee in terror. It's hollow, lifeless eye sockets burn with a darkened, pale, violet luminecense.
Dislikes ----- : All living and unliving creatures.
Disposition - : In silsnce, this terrible creature seeks the downfall and destruction of all living creatures.
Fears -------- : None.
Habitat ------ : Crypts, Labyrinths and, rarely, other settings.
Immunities - : Only physically damaging spells can harm this creature (i.e., Dart, Lightning-Bolt, Fireball, Etc.).
Life-span --- : N/A. This creature is of the dead.
Likes -------- : Destruction of the living, and of the natural order of things.
Needs ------- : None.
Note --------- : None.
Special Abilities:
Necromancer spells: This Dead creature will have 1 random Necromancer spell per 3 levels advanced (no prerequisites enforced).
Spell-Points: 2-D12 (+ 1-D6 per level advanced).
Special Defenses:
Death-Resistance: 80%
Magic-Resistance: 70%
Special Offenses:
Leech: All damage inflicted by this creature's touch will flow back into it in the form of healing.
Susceptibilities and Weaknesses: Holy-based spells cause +50% effect.
Weapon Susceptibilities : Rank-20 (or better) magic, or Rank-5 (or better) enchanted, weapon to harm.